
The presentation of various block and inline elements can be adjusted by setting style keys. Each category takes XSL-FO key definitions and keys specific to that style.

While the style keys may look like CSS, the keys are XSL-FO properties and the underlying PDF2 plug-in does not use CSS compatibility properties.

  • Instead of padding-top, use padding-before.
  • Instead of margin-left, use start-indent. Note that these two keys do not have matching semantics, see XSL 1.1.

The built-in default theme defines base key values that extend the PDF2 default styling. To define common settings of your own, create a theme file for shared settings, and use the extends key in other themes to build on the common foundation.

    font-family: serif
    font-size: 12pt
    space-after: 6pt
    space-before: 6pt
    start-indent: 25pt
    font-family: sans-serif
    font-size: 26pt
    color: blue
    text-decoration: underline

XSL-FO extension properties

In addition to the block and inline styles, themes support XSL-FO extension properties implemented by XSL formatters:

  • background-size: [ <length> | <percentage> | auto ]{1,2} — Size of background image.