DITA-OT Day Conference – Munich 2014 November 20, 2014 in Munich, Germany. Quo vadis?Discussion about the present and the future of the DITA-OT project.Providing Designers a Flexible Way to Publish DITA Content into Adobe InDesignThis presentation shows how Mekon have implemented a plugin that provides an approach to publishing into InDesign, providing designers the flexibility they require.Publishing DITA Content Re-Used in Different Context in EPUB and Eclipse Infocenter by Using DITA-OTOn the example of ice hockey rule books, we show how easy content can be re-used by creating new context variants and how it can be published to EPUB or into an Eclipse help infocenter.SCORM Wrapper for DITA to SCORMHal Trent of Comtech will present a SCORM wrapper developed for learning and training output, which could be potentially donated to the DITA-OT. The wrapper incorporates the current DITA to SCORM output and adds a layer of JavaScript with the SCORM API to integrate the output generated from the DITA-OT into an LMS. The wrapper passes test completion status to and from the LMS and provides a much needed output for the learning and training implementation.DITA Open Toolkit PDF Generation with CSSHow about producing and styling PDFs only by using CSS? Join Radu for an overview of a new, innovative, open-source DITA-OT plugin, which produces PDF from DITA content using CSS and an XML+CSS to PDF engine such as the Prince XML or Antenna House engines.DITA Open Toolkit PDF Plugins Without Fuss, Muss, or Writing XSL-FODid you know that you can create customized PDF plugins using an easy online tool? Join Jarno for an overview of his plugin generator, what it produces, and his work developing the dynamic Web interface.PDFs from the DITA Open Toolkit: The Easy and the Not-so-EasyWith a few simple changes, it's possible to give the DITA-OT's default PDF output much of your own look and feel. If you need to develop a DITA proof of concept for your organization, these changes might be all you need to get the ball rolling. Join Leigh to find out what's easy to do, what's not quite so easy to do, and where the real heavy lifting is.dita2rdf: from trees to triplesThe dita2rdf plugin is meant to extract metadata from DITA content and produce an RDF/XML output, which is a serialization of the W3C RDF standard. The final objective is to get insights from the DITA content by querying its metadata as a graph, not as a tree-like in XML. It also potentially enables the connection of the DITA metadata with other types of entities such as products, people, events, etc.Extending the DITA Open Toolkit: How crazy can you get?DITA-OT includes extension points that let you do any number of things. This session will cover what's available, what you should or shouldn't extend, and give out sample plugins to slice and dice your content.RNG to DTD and XSD using the DITA Open ToolkitThe new version of DITA, version 1.3, will use Relax NG as the normative grammar to express the DITA content models. George proposed this idea and provided a working prototype under the DITA-NG open source project and Eliot took this further making it an official proposal for DITA 1.3 and finalized its implementation. See how Relax NG simplifies the way DITA content models and specializations are defined and what other benefits it brings to DITA 1.3.Contributing to the Toolkit via GitHubNow that the toolkit is hosted on GitHub, it's easier than ever to contribute changes to the DITA-OT code. Roger will demonstrate how to fork the repository, create a new branch, change the necessary files and submit a pull request.Looking under the hood of the DITA Open ToolkitParticipate in a deeper, more technical dive with the primary DITA-OT developer. This session will cover the pre-processing architecture of the DITA-OT and information about the output transformations.Overview of the DITA Open ToolkitAre you new to the DITA-OT? Come and get an overview of what it is, how it works, its history, and the people involved. This will be an excellent start to DITA-OT day for novices.