Publishing with project files

DITA-OT project files allow you to publish multiple deliverables at once. Each deliverable specifies a re-usable source context that groups the maps or topics you want to publish, an output folder, and a publication format (such as HTML, or PDF) with transformation parameters.

About project files

Project files may be defined in one of three formats: XML, JSON, or YAML. The XML format can be validated with a RELAX NG schema provided in the resources folder of the DITA-OT installation (project.rnc).

The XML project file format is the normative version provided for interoperability with existing XML-based toolchains. The JSON and YAML versions are alternative compact formats that are easier to read and write, but otherwise equivalent to the XML syntax.

Whereas .properties files can only be used to set parameters, project files go further, allowing you to define multiple deliverables with separate input files and output folders and formats for each publication. A project file can also refer to other project files with include statements. Deliverables, contexts, and publications can either be entirely self-contained, or reference others with idref attributes, so you can re-use common configuration structures across (and within) projects.

Another advantage of project files over .properties files is that they allow you to specify paths relative to the project file, even for parameters that require absolute paths, such as:
  • args.cssroot
  • args.hdf
  • args.hdr


Though the exact syntax differs slightly, the basic structure of project files is similar in all supported formats.

The following settings can be defined for each deliverable:

  • a source context that may include:
    • an id that allows you to refer to this context from other contexts or projects
    • an idref that refers to another context
    • a series of input files (the DITA maps or topics you want to publish)
    • a profile with a series of DITAVAL files used to filter the content of all publications in the deliverable
  • an output location (relative to the CLI --output directory)

  • a publication type that defines:
    • an id that allows you to refer to this publication from other publications or projects
    • an idref that refers to another publication
    • a transtype that specifies an output format (such as HTML, or PDF)
    • a series of param elements, with any parameters to set for this transformation type, specified via name and either href, path, or value
    • a profile with any additional DITAVAL files used to filter the content of the publication (in addition to any filters defined in the map context)

    Parameters defined in a publication can override those in other publications that are referenced via idref.

    Figure 1. Sample project file with publication parameter overrides: dita-ot-dir/docsrc/samples/project-files/param-override.xml
    <project xmlns="">
      <publication transtype="html5" id="common-html5">
        <param name="nav-toc" value="partial"/>
          <input href="root.ditamap"/>
        <output href="./out"/>
        <publication idref="common-html5">
          <param name="nav-toc" value="full"/> <!-- override common HTML publication -->
  • Use href for web addresses and other resources that should resolve to an absolute URI. Relative references are resolved using the project file as a base directory.
  • Use path for parameters that require an absolute value, like args.cssroot. Paths may be defined relative to the project file, but are always expanded to an absolute system path.
  • Use value to define strings and relative values for properties like args.csspath, which is used to describe a relative path in the output folder. String values are passed as is.

Project filtering

As of DITA-OT 4.0, you can add DITAVAL filters to both contexts and publications. If a set of filter conditions applies to most or all of your deliverables, then it should probably be defined in a publication, rather than in contexts.

For example, consider a case with 100 maps that have multiple @product variants, but every one of which is published in two @audience conditions (internal or external). If @audience is varied in publications, the structure is orthogonal and well-organized:

Figure 2. Sample filtering scenario


  1. Create a project file to define the deliverables in your publication project.

    For example:

    Figure 3. Sample project file for PDF output: dita-ot-dir/docsrc/samples/project-files/pdf.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?xml-model href="" type="application/relax-ng-compact-syntax"?>
    <project xmlns="">
      <deliverable id="pdf">
        <context name="User Guide">
          <input href="../../userguide-book.ditamap"/>
        <output href="."/>
        <publication transtype="pdf2">
          <param name="args.chapter.layout" value="BASIC"/>
          <param name="args.gen.task.lbl" value="YES"/>
          <param name="include.rellinks" value="#default external"/>
          <param name="outputFile.base" value="userguide"/>
          <param name="theme" path="../themes/dita-ot-docs-theme.yaml"/>
            <ditaval href="../../resources/pdf.ditaval"/>
  2. Pass your project file to the dita command to build output.
    dita --project=pdf.xml
  3. Optional: If needed, pass additional arguments to the dita command to override specific build parameters.

    For example, to build output once with <draft> and <required-cleanup> content:

    dita --project=pdf.xml --args.draft=yes
  4. Optional: If your project contains multiple deliverables, you can pass the --deliverable option to generate output for a single deliverable ID.
    dita --project=all.xml --deliverable=htmlhelp